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Motivation Bundle

Certain things make you lazy...how do our oils come in between and fix the issue….why would OIL X help you with digestion….if you have a stomachache, how can you be motivated? 

Life has many roadblocks, but we must rise above and stay motivated to reach our goals. 

Too many of us are going through lackluster days with little motivation. We dread waking up in the morning and are caught in repetitive cycles. For example, I used to wake up and hit the snooze button a thousand times. No amount of coffee could get me excited about my workouts or much else. I would start something and then lose focus after a couple tries and then give up. Eventually, I realized something must change. I started my journey into aromatherapy. I now regularly take essential oils and suddenly feel great, ambitious and driven to overcome each task at hand. 

MyMoods Essential Oils are all natural and are blended in Nevada, USA in a facility that is FDA approved for quality and safety.

In order to first motivate ourselves, we must breathe deeply. Our breathe diffusers are made from the highest quality pipreta, eucalyptus, wintergreen and clove bud oil. Clove oil itself is proven to work as a: (why would this create motivation?)

  • Antimicrobial, killing bacteria
  • Pain reliever, for toothaches and muscle pain
  • Aid in digestive issues
  • Alleviate cough and other respiratory issues


Many studies indicate that clove oil works as a tough agent in fighting bacteria. Further, according to a study by Dr. Kumar and associates, published in PubMed Central, clove oil has anti-cancer properties. Clove extract may even be toxic to some cancer cells. 


The blend of all the herbs together help you relax and promote optimal body function. 


MyMoods Diffusers are Aiding People Breathe Better


“I was a big fan of yoga and learned many breathing techniques, however I suffered from various sinus issues. Thankfully, I was able to find the aromatherapy diffusers. Now, I breathe better and have a clearer sinus tract. The eucalyptus and wintergreen together make the greatest scent, and I love to inhale daily.” Patricia K, Sacramento


Further, we must have clarity in performing all our tasks to ensure greatness. Our clarity diffuser incorporates rosemary, basil, peppermint, sage and juniper. This blend of herbs is so unique and aromatic that you will crave it. 


“I love the sweet scent of the clarity diffuser. It brightens up my mood instantly and I feel great.” Jenelle A.,  Irvine 


In order to feel great and have tons of livelihood for the day is the Energy diffuser. It is blended together with elemi, peppermint, basil and ginger. Studies show that Elemi essential oils function as a powerful therapeutic agent, decreasing the growth of infections to the skin. Peppermint also has a whole array of its own healing powers. 


Peppermint in our energy diffuser will work to: 

  • Freshen your breath,
  • relieve tension headaches, 
  • fight bacterial infections, and 
  • improve your sleep. 


The energy diffuser clearly has all of the necessary elements to push you into having an amazing day. From boosting your immunity, breath, and freshness, and improving your sleep quality. It’ll add a kick to your day. 


“Most clinical evidence related to the use of these oils involve essential oils for anxiety reduction, mood elevation, and relief for nausea, however they’re also used with other conditions.” Jacylyn Tolentino DO, Doctor


To ensure we have a better outlook on life, it is essential we breathe in the positive and beauty around us. Our Focus aroma diffuser is made up of  sandalwood, cedar wood, mellisa, lavender, cypress, and helichrysum. 


Lavender is more than just an aromatic plant. The fragrance from lavender oils  is believed to help promote calmness and wellness. It's also said to help reduce stress, anxiety, and possibly even mild pain. The benefits of inhaling lavender are many and well studied. Lavender works to: 

  • Reduce stress
  • Helps improve sleep
  • Offer a natural remedy for pain
  • Lessen menopausal hot flashes
  • And promote hair growth


A study published in 2017 in the Iranian Journal of Pharmaceutical Research found that when 40 people inhaled lavender essential oil they reduced their blood pressure and heart rate, suggesting the oil had a positive effect on their vital signs.


People Love The Focus Diffuser to Get Through Their Day


“During my masters program, I was always a nervous wreck. I couldn’t sleep or focus myself. I was always planning my next paper or exam and felt jittery constantly. I introduced aromatherapy into my life after seeing how it calmed my friend. Now, I definitely feel more relaxed and in the moment. My life has truly changed.” -Amy L. San Francisco



“I used to suffer from insomnia, now I make sure I take all my oils. I inhale a stick a day and my sleep health has improved overall.” Brittney S. Virginia 


This combined with the other essential oils, the focus diffuser is a key part in helping your mind and body feel great. 


Lastly, after tackling all our anxieties and stress it is essential to reach happiness. Our bliss diffuser is the final piece to the puzzle. It is made up of clary sage, lemon, orange, and ylang ylang. 


Ylang ylang is a yellow, star-shaped flower that grows in India, Malaysia, and the Phillipines. This aromatic flower has exceptional healing properties. It may provide antioxidant and calming support. 


This tropical flower mixed with the tanginess of the lemon and orange citrus scents makes for the most calming and soothing diffuser. 


“I love the smell of the bliss diffuser, it feels like I am inhaling air from a tropical paradise. It soothes and calms me.” -Sasha, Houston



Aromatherapy has truly changed my life. I am no longer hitting the snooze button but resetting my alarm clock for earlier and earlier. I am so excited and motivated to tackle new tasks. I have even broken my rut and set new goals for myself. I am always looking for new things to try and living life at a higher level. 


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Amazing Blends of Essential Oils
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